After spending a few weeks recovering from holidays and shoring up our ranks, we've been hitting the trail hard again the last few weeks, and the results show!
Last week, we downed Protectors of the Endless in Terrace of Endless Spring, and then last night we downed both Imperial Vizier Zor'lok and Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear! Also encouraging, Mogu'shan Vaults really had a feel of being on farm, as all bosses went down very quickly on the first night of raiding.
We welcome back Kraw into the fold, Master of Arcane Wizadry, as he rejoins our raiding ranks after an extended break. And we also welcome new raiders that have joined in the last couple months - Dascius (Master of Arms), Chėlsy (Master of Affliction) and Junii (Master of Shadows). Welcome, and thank you for your awesome contribution to the raids.
Grats mates! Garalon goes down next week!

Last week, we downed Protectors of the Endless in Terrace of Endless Spring, and then last night we downed both Imperial Vizier Zor'lok and Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear! Also encouraging, Mogu'shan Vaults really had a feel of being on farm, as all bosses went down very quickly on the first night of raiding.
We welcome back Kraw into the fold, Master of Arcane Wizadry, as he rejoins our raiding ranks after an extended break. And we also welcome new raiders that have joined in the last couple months - Dascius (Master of Arms), Chėlsy (Master of Affliction) and Junii (Master of Shadows). Welcome, and thank you for your awesome contribution to the raids.
Grats mates! Garalon goes down next week!